ILM Accredited - Assessing Customer Service Standards

This instructor-led-training will show you to get actionable insights from your customer base

Course Overview

  • Course Details         

  • Instructor Led Training
  • Duration: 3 days
  • Workshop size: 25 participants
  • Delivery: Classroom or Online
  • ILM Course Code: E46D-01  

Course Objectives

  • Understand organisational requirements for managing customer care
  • Understand customer service standards
  • Know how to monitor customer service performance
  • Know how to assess the delivery of customer service
  • Understand the process of managing a customer complaint system
  • Understanding the concept and importance of service mind-set and ways of developing it

Training Techniques 

  • Experiential learning
  • Case studies
  • Group learning and discussion
  • Individual challenges
  • Collaborative and competitive tasks
  • Training videos
  • Role plays and simulations


Here is what we will cover in
this course

Customer Service Essentials

-Service definitions
-What customer care means
-Links to operational excellence
-Knowing your customers
-How customers perceive you

High Quality Service Levels

-RATER model
-Customer expectations
–Kano Model
-Government service standards

Improving Service Standards

-Standards of service
-Measuring service standards
-Reporting on service standards
-Maintaining service standards

Measurement Tools

-Customer satisfaction (CSAT)
-The Gap Model
-The Apostle Model

Evaluating Service Levels

-Customer Service Competencies
-Evidence of a competency
-Rating evidence
-Measurement pitfalls

Managing Service Staff

-Handling performance concerns
-Giving feedback – SBI
-Service recovery


ILM Assured

The ILM organisation is based in the United Kingdom, guarantees the quality of training through a rigorous auditing and supervisory process.  Through certifying our courses with ILM, you are assured of investing in world-class education and skill development.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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